Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tiny Angel Valentines

two cherubs with sweet saying
 little angel valentine greetings

Just a couple of sweet tiny cherub valentines for you today.  I hope you enjoy them.  I have a lot of old valentine graphics and wish I had started earlier with the posting, but better late than never!  Besides, there is always next year ... and Easter.
Be sweet, Friends!


  1. A couple more winners there. If you like old photos of towns and such, you might want to take a peek at my blog. Just disregard the politics if it offends you and look for a photo nearly every day for the last week or so. I've got a bunch left to go, so the subject area will change fairly often. Glad your feeling better.

  2. Thank you, these are beautiful! Hope your Valentine's Day was the best. :)


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