Friday, December 23, 2011

Shoregirl's Creations Printable Recipe Cards

After visiting Shoregirl's Creations, I was in awe of her creativity and ability to design!  She has some of the most beautiful creations I have seen and had left the kindest, nicest comment on my blog, so I felt I could ask her if she possibly could design some vintage recipe cards for me!  They were posted to her blog today and are absolutely perfect for what I need!!
I have downloaded every single card, plan to personalize them for my daughters, daughters in law and grand daughters.  I will put some of our family favorites on several of them, then add some blank cards so they can add their own favorite dishes to the set.  I will tie them with a ribbon and put their names on handmade tag, tied to the ribbon.
I know the girls will love them!  They are very sentimental and will love having their mom and/or grandma's handwritten recipes in the years to come.
Bless her sweet little heart, she designed 6 of them and I plan to use every one many times over!  A simple 'thank you' seems so inadequate, so I wanted to share with you what she had done for me and they are there for you as well.  Please go look at them and I know you will want them for yourself or to give to others.
I am posting  a couple of the cards so you can see how beautiful they are.

recipe card designed by Shoregirl

recipe card designed by Shoregirl

Remember be sweet ... Santa's still watching!

1 comment:

  1. How is it that I missed this post? Thanks for linking back to my blog and for all your sweet comments here (and in your email!). I have another set of recipe cards if you care to use them -- go here:


Your comments are music to my soul!